A Field Trip to the Zoo

A Field Trip to the Zoo

The first visit for many local students __ “It’s a beautiful day!” said Roosevelt Elementary kindergarten teacher Melissa Pick. After a spring downpour the day before, teachers, chaperones, and the 114 students alike were delighted for a sunny, dry day for a field trip to Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. Plus, it was the first […]

A Friendly Reminder For You and Your Neighbors

A Friendly Reminder for You and Your Neighbors

It’s no secret that wildlands and spaces are being reduced at rapid rates around the world. According to The Conservation, just 23% of the land worldwide is deemed wild or unharmed from human life and industry impacts. And that does not include Antarctica. Many remain hopeful that the dwindling wilderness can be saved, but it […]

Southern Sea Otter

An adorable sea otter floats on its back in water.

Did you know?

Southern sea otters open shells by holding a flat rock on their chest and beating the shells against the rock until they break open.

Southern sea otters protect the kelp forest by preying on sea urchins that would otherwise overgraze the kelp.

Sea otters need to eat about 25% of their body weight every day.

Donation will include:

  • Certificate of Adoption
  • Plush of the Animal
  • Animal Fact Sheet
  • 5″x7″ Photo of Your Animal

2024 Long Table Dinner & Auction: Glamp & Gather

Join us for an enchanted evening of luxury and adventure at Glamp & Gather – this year’s Long Table Dinner and Auction. Get ready to indulge in a gourmet dining experience surrounded by the beauty of nature, all while supporting the Zoo you love. The night will feature: Don’t miss out on this magical night […]

Our Kiosk is Open!

Our Kiosk is Open!

Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium Members’ Night 6/16/22 If you missed us at the last PDZA Members Access Night, don’t worry, we will have our newly painted kiosk open on the next two – July 21st & August 18th 6PM-7PM. Stop by to say Hi, learn more about who we are, and how we provide […]

Giant Pacific Octopus

Did you know?

Giant Pacific octopuses are usually reddish-brown but can change color when threatened or for camouflage.

They have the most complex brains of any invertebrate and are known for their ability to use tools, recognize individuals, and navigate mazes.

Each tentacle contains thousands of chemical receptors.

Donation will include:

  • Certificate of Adoption
  • Plush of the Animal
  • Animal Fact Sheet
  • 5″x7″ Photo of Your Animal

Our First in Person Event of 2022

Mocktails with the Keepers - Presented by the Zoo Society

On June 10th The Zoo Society hosted our first child oriented fundraiser, Mocktails with the Keepers! Despite the rainy Friday evening over 100 people threw on their rain jackets to enjoy a family friendly night of fun. From Dippin’ Dots to Carousel rides and everything in between, it was hard not to smile the whole […]

California Sea Lion

California sea lion

Did you know?

California sea lions may hunt continuously for up to 30 hours, with each dive lasting three to five minutes.

The males are called bulls, and the females are called cows. Their offspring are called pups.

A large group of Sea Lions is referred to as a colony or pod. There can be thousands of them that reside within a colony, with many subgroups inside of it. They love to live in very close groups even though they often have plenty of room to spread out more.

Donation will include:

  • Certificate of Adoption
  • Plush of the Animal
  • Animal Fact Sheet
  • 5″x7″ Photo of Your Animal

The Importance of Shark Conservation

A shark

Preserving our Oceans to Protect our Future By Ashley Dawson, May 2023 What are sharks?  Sharks are cold blooded fish that have lived in the oceans for at least 400 million years. There is a lot we do not know about sharks. Researching animal life underwater is very difficult but we do know that if […]

2017 Dr. Holly Reed Wildlife Conservation Fund Projects

A red wolf looks to the left while standing in a grassy area.

Zoo-based Research and Conservation  Enhancing animal reproduction through hormone monitoring: Over the last twelve years, PDZA has used non-invasive studies of endocrine hormones to enhance reproduction of clouded leopards, red wolves, Asian small clawed otters, walrus and other species. This grant will fund work using our in-house lab at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park to gain timely […]